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  • Writer's pictureCara Flannery

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...but, being a Warrior is still delightful!

It’s crazy that we are well into December. All sense of time becomes lost this time of year, and waking up and coming home to darkness can definitely be a hindrance on productivity. Even worse—our mood can darken like the days, making it seemingly impossible to find motivation not only for work, but also for taking care of ourselves.

Last month, I shared a few changes I made to my routine to help boost the quality of my work and mood. Since feeling good is key to producing good work, I thought this month I would focus on sharing strategies that have been helpful in boosting my mood (and—consequently—boosting my work quality and output), plus a few that I am currently folding in.

Start with movement

I know, I know… It’s hard enough to pry ourselves away from our snoring fur babies and mountain of blankets. I mean, the sun gets to sleep in—why shouldn’t we!? However, when you are finally able to reach out to the cold touch of morning, consider walking around your house. Your pace doesn’t need to be impressive; even stumbling or scuffling along is great. Walking in place is just as effective, so if space is an issue, you can get your steps in without even leaving your bedroom!

If you have a pedometer, make a step goal. Before I’m even allowed to have coffee, I make sure I take at least 1k steps. Since I’m a French press gal, I start boiling the water (you could get your coffee pot going if you are a drip brewer) and walk while I wait. Before I head out the door for work, I make sure I reach 2k steps total.

Got your morning routine down? Sweet. It’s time to add more steps…

Here are my daily step goals:

Before coffee/tea...1k

Before work...2k

Before lunch...5k

Before going home from work...7k

By bedtime...10k (minimum)

Yeah, my goals might look pretty weak, but this was where I was at when I began. Having a huge step goal would have turned me off, and I know I would have been more likely to give up on the idea completely. Having these goals motivates me to get up and move during the day. Movement and exercise help to boost our mood and our energy levels. Most days I surpass my 10k goal, which means it’s time for me to “step-up” and increase my numbers a bit.

For any Warriors learning in-person, here is an idea of the potential steppage of our school:

Math Wing (Red) to lobby: 150-200 steps

Lobby to Eng Wing (Yellow): 110-160 steps

Science Wing (Green) to Cafeteria: 150-200

Lobby to Library: 80 steps

Don’t have a pedometer? Check your phone! Both Apple and Android phones have pedometers built right in. The Apple Health and Google Fit apps on your device count your steps for you. So, grab your phone and take it for a walk! Another alternative would be to create time goals vs. step goals (walk for 5 mins, 10 mins, etc.).

Make a good vibes playlist

I’m a 90s kid. We paved the way for the art of the playlist with Napster and Limewire. While it can be tempting to turn on the dark, somber tunes this time of year (I’m a huge NIN fan myself…), make yourself a playlist with more upbeat tracks. This time of year I trade in Tool and Dillinger for Rush and Zappa. Celebrate the holidays? Get into the spirit with your favorite holiday songs! “Wizards in Winter” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra is a favorite in my house. You can listen to your playlist while getting yourself ready for online learning or during your drive to in-person learning to start your day on a happy note. Often, I’ll turn on some music during my lunch break as a pick-me-up.

Too busy to create a playlist? There’s an app for that!

Pandora and Spotify have plenty of good vibes stations and channels waiting for you. Even YouTube has a ton of upbeat playlists all ready to go.

As much as you might love the gloom and doom songs, try tuning in to the happier tracks for a couple of weeks, and you’ll likely see results. There’s tons of research out there to back this up if you don’t believe me!

Go outside!

Maine is cold. Sometimes, unbelievably so. As much as you are going to furrow your brows at me for saying this, take advantage of the sunny days by stepping outside periodically. A lack of vitamin D can cause all sorts of physical and emotional problems. It’s no wonder we feel tired, sluggish, and sad during the winter months. Last month I mentioned my mindfulness strategy of looking at nature. On days when the sun peeks through, I bundle up and step outside rather than observe nature from behind an office window. Yeah, it can be chilly, but I have plenty of Nokomis swag to keep me warm! You’ll also have a new appreciation for heating systems once you step back inside.

Here's a photo I took during one of my coffee/walk breaks. Yes, it was a cold one! 🥶️ The sun felt nice, though.☀

Bundle activities

With the busyness that is life, finding time to do all the things can be tough. Bundling the things I want to do with the things I need or should do helps me to make the most of my hours. When you start your morning walk, listen to the happy vibes playlist you made. Triple up: fuel your morning walk/amble around the house with your morning beverage and the upbeat tunes (use headphones so you don’t awaken household members!). Hold off on checking your social media feeds until your afternoon walking break. If you simply can’t wait, be sure to get moving while you do it. I love stand-up comedy, so usually I’ll listen to a comedy channel on Pandora while I get my steps in. This way I don’t need to give up something I enjoy, and I get to start my day with laughter.

As a former English teacher, I LOVE to read. My busy work schedule can make it difficult to sneak in a chapter or two. To avoid reverting to my childhood-self and hiding in a corner with a book during work time, I instead save reading time for the stationary bike. This way I’m using my time more efficiently, and I’m more likely to be active. If I tell myself I’m not allowed to read until I’m on the bike, you better believe I’ll be in the seat.

For all of you gamers, could you walk in place while proving to your fam that you’re the GOAT? Blast your good vibes playlist while you flex?


Winter is tough on its own; add remote learning and it might feel paralyzing at times. However, maintaining a healthy routine helps to combat those winter blues, and folding in a few wellness strategies can help to unfreeze us. Give at least one of these strategies a try. Let us know how it goes! We’d also love to hear about any apps or other tools you’ve found helpful for successfully weaving these strategies into your day.

What do you do to combat the winter blues and keep yourself motivated?

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